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ABS/BPPP Guides to Initial Pilot Checkout

The American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation highly encourages pilots to receive their initial checkout with a flight instructor knowledgeable about the specific make and model. Resources include ABS Recognized Flight Instructors, found using the FIND AN INSTRUCTOR function on the TRAINING menu above.

For any number of reasons a new owner/pilot may be unable to schedule training with a Beech-knowledgeable instructor. For that event we have created this training outline for pilots and their local instructors to address the most vital topics and operations during the critical initial checkout. This outline is not intended as a substitute for a thorough checkout by an instructor knowledgeable about the specific make and model and its current operations. This outline cannot address all topics and pilots depend on the knowledge and experience of the instuctor they contract for instruction. A necessary, thorough avionics checkout is outside the scope of this Guide as well, because of the wide variety of avionics installed in individual aircraft.

We strongly encourage pilots to complete their type-specific checkout using an ABS Recognized Flight Instructor annually as part of your aeronautical lifelong learning program.


Guides to Initial Pilot Checkout

The following ABS/BPPP Guides to Initial Pilot Checkout are now available:

E-Series Bonanza
Models 35, 35R, A35, B35, C35, D35, E35, F35 and G35

O-470/IO-470 Bonanza/Debonair
Models H35, J35, K35, M35, N35, P35, 35-33, A33, B33, C33, E33, F33 and G33

IO-520/IO-550 Bonanza/Debonair
Models S35, V35, V35A, V35B, C33A, E33A, E33C, F33A, F33C, 36, A36 and G36

Turbo Bonanza
Models V35TC, V35A-TC and V35B-TC

Turbocharged Bonanza
Models A36TC and B36TC

Normally aspirated Barons
Models 95-55, A55, B55, C55, D55, E55, 58, G58  

Pressurized and Turbocharged Barons
Models 58P and 58TC


Supporting documents:


Additional programs are currently being developed for the following models of ABS-type airplanes:

  • Beech Travel Airs
  • 56TC/A56TC Turbo Barons